Hello there! In class, we spend a lot of time doing moves that strengthen and tone the core.
The core area is important to target for several reasons...Core exercises train the muscles in your pelvis, lower back, hips and abdomen to work together. When that happens, you have better balance and stability (several of you have told me you've been noticing this, which makes me very happy!)
With the power of core strength, you are able to exercise in a more efficient way. Your moves are more controlled, which allows you to get the maximum benefits from your workouts. Core exercises also help you tone your abs, make it easier to do most physical activities, and help you to reach your overall fitness goals!
Let's get to it!
As always, pay attention to your form. If you have to make the movement smaller to hold your form, so be it! You'll be on your back for most of this series of exercises, Focus on keeping a neutral, relaxed spine, pressing the lower back into the floor, and on LIFTING...leading with the chest...keeping the chin up; versus using momentum to rock up to position, or pulling the head up with your hands. Think about the abdominal muscles as you go through these moves.
:30 plank (or as long as you can hold it!) with bent elbows and toes touching the floor...keep the bum down...body nice and straight.
16 bicycle crunches (Bring your knees in toward your chest and with your hands behind your head/elbows out, lift your shoulder blades off the ground. Straighten your right leg out to about a 45-degree angle to the ground while turning your upper body to the left, bringing your right elbow toward the left knee. Make sure your rib cage is moving and not just your elbows! Repeat motion to other side, and continue to alternate in a peddling motion. One to each side = 1 rep.
Keep it slow and controlled.
:30 side plank (right side-toes and right elbow or arm extended and the palm on the floor. You can also drop to support yourself with the right knee on the floor, instead of the toes).
16 bicycle crunches
:30 side plank (left side)
16 bicycle crunches
8 regular bent knee crunches
hold it up, extend hand and arms and pulse for 8
8 regular bent knee crunches
hold it up, extend hand and arms and pulse for 8
extend the legs, point the toes...extend the hands and arms over your head to the floor behind you..s---t---r---e---t---c---h...make yourself as long as possible!
You can put on some music and do this to the beat of the song if you'd like. How many times?
Beginner- once through
Intermediate- twice
Advanced-three times
Yaaaaaaaaay, you! :)
Can you feel it working?
The core area is important to target for several reasons...Core exercises train the muscles in your pelvis, lower back, hips and abdomen to work together. When that happens, you have better balance and stability (several of you have told me you've been noticing this, which makes me very happy!)
With the power of core strength, you are able to exercise in a more efficient way. Your moves are more controlled, which allows you to get the maximum benefits from your workouts. Core exercises also help you tone your abs, make it easier to do most physical activities, and help you to reach your overall fitness goals!
Let's get to it!
As always, pay attention to your form. If you have to make the movement smaller to hold your form, so be it! You'll be on your back for most of this series of exercises, Focus on keeping a neutral, relaxed spine, pressing the lower back into the floor, and on LIFTING...leading with the chest...keeping the chin up; versus using momentum to rock up to position, or pulling the head up with your hands. Think about the abdominal muscles as you go through these moves.
:30 plank (or as long as you can hold it!) with bent elbows and toes touching the floor...keep the bum down...body nice and straight.
16 bicycle crunches (Bring your knees in toward your chest and with your hands behind your head/elbows out, lift your shoulder blades off the ground. Straighten your right leg out to about a 45-degree angle to the ground while turning your upper body to the left, bringing your right elbow toward the left knee. Make sure your rib cage is moving and not just your elbows! Repeat motion to other side, and continue to alternate in a peddling motion. One to each side = 1 rep.
Keep it slow and controlled.
:30 side plank (right side-toes and right elbow or arm extended and the palm on the floor. You can also drop to support yourself with the right knee on the floor, instead of the toes).
16 bicycle crunches
:30 side plank (left side)
16 bicycle crunches
8 regular bent knee crunches
hold it up, extend hand and arms and pulse for 8
8 regular bent knee crunches
hold it up, extend hand and arms and pulse for 8
extend the legs, point the toes...extend the hands and arms over your head to the floor behind you..s---t---r---e---t---c---h...make yourself as long as possible!
You can put on some music and do this to the beat of the song if you'd like. How many times?
Beginner- once through
Intermediate- twice
Advanced-three times
Yaaaaaaaaay, you! :)
Can you feel it working?