So, I'm going to be introducing some songs that will literally kick us in the butt!
I want to make sure we stay safe, and get the most out of the routines though, so I've been doing some research, to refresh myself on proper technique for these kinds of exercises.
We will all develop a love/hate relationship with the squat. It really is one of the best exercises to tone and shape the thighs and backside...but it also works the core and calves. Squats target more muscles at once than just about any other exercise. When done correctly, squats work to build strength in the back and joints. And, because they work so many muscles at once, squats are very effective at fat burning.
The move is simple in balance and pretend you are going to sit down in a chair. But there are some important things to keep in mind regarding proper form:
---Push your butt out and back (bend at the waist), bend your knees to drop the but back and down (like you're going to sit in a chair)
---Keep your weight centered on your heels.
---Keep your spine long and don't put any pressure on your lower back.
---Go as low as you can, but don't allow the knees to bend further than the toes--if you drew a line from the ceiling down to the floor, your knees and toes should both touch it.
---Keep your chest up and eyes forward, and slightly up.
---Push thorugh the heels to bring yourself back up.