I say that more than a couple times in our Zumba classes…and I do so, because proper breathing makes your workout safe and more effective. Breathing deeply during your workout also prevents dizziness, and increases fat burning.
Getting nice deep breaths—full inhales and exhales---allows you to clear your body of carbon dioxide, and get oxygen to your muscles. When you breathe this way during exercise, you may notice a slower breathing rate, and heart rate. You will definitely feel more energy.
It seems a little funny to talk about the right way to breathe…if you’re reading this; you’re probably somewhat familiar with breathing J . But, when you want to use breathing to maximize your workout, try to get into the habit of blowing out with exertion. So, when we do squats, for example, exhale on the move into, and holding the squat, inhale as you release and move into another.
Breathing that way can prevent hernia, strain to blood vessels, and high blood pressure.
There’s also an interesting connection between proper breathing and increased fat burn. Researchers say that to burn fat as energy, the body needs water and extra oxygen. We drink water before, during, and after our workouts. Adding more oxygen allows your body to use that water, which almost immediately works to flush out any retained water and toxins.
Focus on taking deeper breaths during your next Zumba class, and see if you notice increased energy and endurance.